EZMotion Portable is a new addition to our optical measurement system portfolio which offers ease of use and portable operation. EZMotion Portable is composed of 2 high-speed, high-resolution cameras that track passive optical targets or cloud stickers in the measurement volume.
• Simple controls
• Multiple input/output options
• Expands the capability with analog in/output and additional sensors such as GPS and slip angle
• Real-time status feedback
• Immediate numerical and graphical report
• Template for testing procedures
• Data export in CSV or other file formats
• Static or Dynamic Deformation under load
• Vibration Analyses
• Tracking of Multiple Objects simultaneously
• Determine Relative movement
• Hydraulics motion control
• Derive Speed, Settling Time, Acceleration…

Main Features
Optimized image processing for reliable measurements in all road and test conditions.
Simplified and secure mounting systems.
Easy to operate touch screen interface for system manipulation and data recording while operating the vehicle.
Interfaces to wheel force transducers [ask us for compatibility].
Possibility to synchronize with 3rd party sensors.
One platform to measure both wheel and/or engine movement up to 500hz.
Raw or unfiltered data available in text format for post processing.
Real-time feedback while recording.
Unlimited recording time.
Accurate 3 and 6 dimensional measurements and not estimated.
Limited overhang compact mounting for easy maneuvering for test facility environment.
EZMotion data from track testing can be used to develop drive files for use on multi poster test rig and once developed, it can be used to validate accuracy of the drive file.
Data Collection
EZMotion can record both digital and analog data simultaneously and can be integrated and time synchronized with other data collection equipment such as accelerometers and load cells. Digital data can be viewed following each recording.
The output data is compatible with other post processing programs through *.txt, *.csv, *.m, *.spindle and also multiple CAD system file such as *.igs.
EZMotion does not require a special controller and operates from computer that often resides on the passenger seat. Easy to use software with touch screen control allow fluent and hassle free operation.
Rugged Touchscreen control while driving
Wireless tablet control during Setup
Configurable Sessions and tests for data organization
Test Templates
Unlimited Recording time
DIO: Start – Sync Signals
Absolute or relative Referencing procedure
Process and Flow control and build in verifications
Live Camera Feeds
Customizable post processing algorithms
Export data to text file
Maintenance and Collaboration
Vision System
Tracker Group/Probe
The specifications of the products technology include the following:

Demo Video

EZMotion Portable (Coming soon…)
Talk to a EZMetrology specialist today to find out more about this product .